Untold Taleshome

Untold Taleshome

  • About The Site

    These short stories here are composed of experiences over my 70 plus years, plus the ramblings of my mind. These are fiction stories, all painted with a unsteady artistic brush. You can decide for yourself if some of what I have written is true. I generally enjoy writing but I find it difficult and rewriting takes forever. And, new ideas come more slowly. Maybe my brain cells are dying at an increasing rate or I flat out can’t think of anything interesting. If you have looked at the tabs you can see that the latest story I have written. All of the stories are indexed alphabetically, and also the most current to the oldest under Stories, then there are my Favorites. At the end of each story there is a place for comments. I’d welcome praise or criticism. You can contact me at Josephollivier@gmail.com. My novel, The Searchers, was published in 2015 and is sold on Amazon both in print form and as an ebook.

    About Me

    Joseph Ollivier has had a colorful career, but then he is a semi-colorful character. Been the Chairman of a Bank and in jail only one time (had too much ambien in his system), but must have not been serious because he taught for 34 years as a adjunct professor at BYU. Loved growing up rural communities such as Lava Hot Springs, Idaho, Heber, Utah, and finally in Pleasant Grove, Utah. Some of his stories are based on his years in small towns, others as adventures around the world. Many of the tales are just based on his imagination.

    Lots of kids, grandkids, and now great grandkids – his most cherished possessions.

  • Untold Tales is the first ever Platform for artist started in Ulhasnagar by Deepika Lalsinghani.
  • These short stories here are composed of experiences over my 77 years, plus the ramblings of my mind. These are short fiction stories, all painted with a unsteady artistic brush.
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This is not a one topic only homepage, so let me guide you through my little Realm, dear traveler. If you’re here to learn more about my writing and my upcoming books A world Unseen & Underworld Rising, follow me here. Perhaps you are interested in the Ogham and you want to take advantage of the free course to learn this wonderful divination system, this is the place you want to delve in.


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As I approach retirement, I find that despite years of teaching and writing, that I have far too many stories and ideas that remain untold.

The primary purpose of these pages are to show the books and novels that I ahve published, along with other writing that I am still working on.

FICTION lists published works of short fiction (mostly science fiction)

NOVELS lists novels that have been published and that are under edit or still being written.

NONFICTION contains some sample articles of non-fiction that I have published.

These web pages are a work in process that I have created to store many of my ideas and thoughts, my musings and ponderings on a wide range of topics. If you know me, you may enjoy some of these stories, articles, and papers. If you do not know me, you may still enjoy them and come to know me.

If you browse the various pages herein, you will be exposed to fiction and nonfiction, discussions of physics and math, imagination and speculation, discussions and analyses on a wide variety of disciplines. Some of these are completed works, written and published; others remain half-written; some are notes awaiting attention and time for their completion.

You may find the answers to some questions here, but as with all good stories, many questions remain unanswered;and sometimes the questions are far more important than any answers you might find.

Feel free to explore the writings gathered here. Some topic areas are far more robust and complete than others. As I said, this is a work in progress. Thus, here are many untold stories on untold topics. If you find anything interesting, please leave comments as you feel appropriate. I appreciate any feedback you might offer. And come back, because, with so much remaining to be told, there will likely be more here when you return.

Read and I hope you enjoy these topics as much as I do.

p.s. You can follow me or find my books are some of the links below:

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/UntoldTalesDrJARobinson/
Untold Tales Page- https://www.facebook.com/pg/UntoldTalesDrJARobinson/posts/
Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/Jeffrey-Robinson/e/B07V2XXJB8
Goodreads - https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/19454720.Jeffrey_A_Robinson
Goodreads Blog - https://www.goodreads.com/author_blog_posts/18731115
BookBub - https://www.bookbub.com/authors/jeffrey-a-robinson
Smashwords -
Barnes and Noble - not yet active

Things to do here:

- Read the about the books.

- Peruse the short FICTION

- Peruse the NOVELS

- Read excerpts of some of the novels.

- Post comments and send emails.

The sections entitled JEFF'S BLOGS contain blogs and articles on different topics, including PHYSICS, MIND&INTELLIGENCE, MATH, and general topics (JEFF'S JOURNALS and ANECDOTES). Mostly jsut fun stuff and musing on a wide range of topics. Much of this information will be transferred to real blogs as time goes on.

The section ABOUT JEFF contains a resume, a CV, a and other links

Contact me here if you have comments or feedback for me on any of these. robinson_ja@q.com

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