How To Make Naver Account (with Pictures)

  1. Delete Naver Account
  2. Create Naver Account
  • You can download it!
  • Tap No, create a new account. Enter a name, set a profile photo, and tap the arrow. Create a password and tap the arrow. Choose whether to add friends from your device's contacts, then tap the arrow. Choose whether to verify your age.

Associating a picture with your Windows 10 account is just one way to personalize your computer, but it also serves as a way to easily differentiate between accounts. If you want to be a little different, you don’t need to stick with a dull static image on the login screen -- it is possible to use a video instead.

(I only have experience with the Naver Map app for iPhone and it’s similar with the app for Android but I’m not sure if the web-based app is the same. I apologize in advance that this post may turn out to be a mess with all the explanations on and off pictures;; ) First of course you want to install the app and add in Korean keyboard.

You can use your webcam and Windows 10's built in camera app to record a short clip and use it in place of your regular account image on the login screen. It might not serve any real purpose, but it's pretty cool. Here’s what you need to do.

Open up Settings and head to Accounts. In the Your account section, click the Camera link beneath the Create your picture heading. In the camera window that pops up, switch to video mode by clicking the video camera icon to the right. Click the button again to start recording, and for a third time to stop.

Play back your recording to ensure that you're happy with it, clicking Retake if you'd like to start over. You can move the start and end points of the video to trim away unwanted sections, and then click OK when you're happy with the results.

That's all there is to it!

Your video will only appear on the login screen -- your user image in the start menu is a still from the video rather than an animated version.

Photo credit:Luis Molinero / Shutterstock

Creating a webtoon isn’t just knowing how to draw. The creation of a webcomic can be difficult and the beginning process is different for each person. Here are a few tips to consider when starting your first webtoon:

Delete Naver Account

1.Establish an Art Style

Having an established art style does a number of things. Your art style practically equates as your signature. By establishing a set art style that you can use in making your webtoon, readers will recognize you, the creator, based on your art. Establishing an art style that is consistent throughout your comic will produce a more positive note from readers. You don’t want to start out with one certain art style and end up
in a different art style by the middle or end of your comic. It can be unsettling, throwing readers off. Party hard wrestling.

However, there is a difference between a consistent art style and improvement in art style. As artists, if you constantly work on your art, it is bound to improve, creating a shift in the art of the webtoon and that’s okay. In fact, readers recognize that and applaud creator’s more in those instances.

2. Know Your Platforms

Create Naver Account

Research which platforms you want to publish your webcomic on before you create panels to your comic (or have too much of it completed to change without starting over). Each webcomic platform has different requirements regarding panel size, resolution, and other technical points. Each webcomic platform also caters to different audiences and this connects to the next tip.

3. Know Your Audience

When choosing which platform you want to publish your comic on, decide which audience you want to create your comic for, or which audience fits the readership of your already created comic. For example, if your comic is a Korean webtoon stylized romance webcomic, Comixology might not be a platform you would try to publish your comic on. Instead, Webtoon or Tapas might be better options.

Additionally, try to narrow your target audience. Broader may be better in some cases but in this instance, a narrowed audience means an audience that is looking and interested in the type (genre, topic, subject, style, and more.) of comic you are creating. They may be more inclined to stay and stick around longer.

4.Have the Story Already Built

One struggle creators sometimes face is coming up with a story that they can/want to work. On average, it takes a few years and at the least one year, to complete a webtoon with a plot. Therefore, you should:

  1. Create a comic over something you like or find interesting, so you won’t find making webcomics tedious. Otherwise, it defeats the purpose of pursuing a career you enjoy.
  2. Draft out the story before you start drawing. It can be in the form of notes or a storyboard, script formatted dialogue and action, narrative formatted prose, or other ways that you find helpful in plotting the story to the comic.

You don’t always have to follow the drafted-out story line as you draw and post each episode online, but it can guide you as go. And if you’re lucky and get sought out by a publishing platform, you’ll at least have something completed/partially completed to present to them to show the direction your comic will take.

Instead of just diving right in and just drawing something thenposting it online, consider these tips to get an easier start to developing yourown webcomic.

AccountHow To Make Naver Account (with Pictures)

In addition to these tips, here is a helpful video for beginning creators by the popular webcomic platform Line Webtoon:

And provided here are more helpful tips given by Jaywalker Pictures, a creator who has their own comic posted on Line Webtoon’s Discover section:


Jin. “GETTING STARTED ON WEBTOON • DiscoverMore.” Youtube, uploaded by LINE WEBTOON, 19 Feb. 2019,

“How to make a webtoon – 5 tips to get started.” Youtube, uploaded by Jaywalker Pictures, 3 Dec. 2016,

Sometimes we might find our selves in situations where we have messed up.For instance, we might have missed an urgent call or even failed to call back.Owning up our mistakes is essential.Knowing how to apologize is very important and is a crucial life skill.More important is to write an apology letter which serves as permanent. Missed Conversation Emails I was wondering if anyone has read that there will be an enhancement to match Skype (what with the news of Teams replacing it) in which missed conversations are actually emailed in the body to the recipient, like Skype does now, versus the notification from Teams that just tells you there is a message. Missed conversations in skypesolofasr.