Sls Fluffy Front Tendon Boots Bsugars Legacy Stables

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Sls Fluffy Front Tendon Boots Bsugars Legacy Stables Reviews

Classic Equine Legacy System Leg Protection boots
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  • You can expect to invest about $150 if you buy a full set (both the front and rear) of these boots but the price is worth every dime in my opinion

    • The Legacy System boots are designed to protect and support the tendons, ligaments, muscle and bones of the horse while being ridden in high impact type environments. Like most equine sport boots these come in a variety of colors and sizes and are offered in specially shaped and conformed designed versions for both the front and the rear legs of the horse.

      One thing that I personally like about these boots is

      that they are designed with what is called a “Cradle Fetlock System” this offers a substantial amount of support and protection to the horse’s leg because of a double thick layer of neoprene material.

      The fetlock area on a horse acts very much like the arch in a human, it is designed to be the horse’s shock absorber so supporting it properly is very important to me.

      Another design aspect of ...

    • these boots that I appreciate is the built up splint guard area because it increases the protection for delicate splint bone and the area around it.

      Other boots I had tried in the past covered the splint bone area but did not pay quite as much attention to detail in protecting it as these boots do.

      Again these boots like the Pro Tech bell boots also made by this company are very easy

      to clean and maintain all you do is soak them overnight in the washing machine and then wash.

      When you are done simply hang them out to dry on the side of the trailer or on the clothes line.

      Very simple and very easy.

      You can expect to invest about $150 if you buy a full set (both the front and rear) of these boots but the price is worth every dime in my opinion.

      • more from ReviewStream

shelley says :

I am trying to find front boots size small, orange color, only find medium. Can anyone help me?? Do they even make a small.
Galega says :

They do make boots of all sizes. However, color of your choice may be little bit difficult to find. You should visit the showroom of Classic Equine and check yourself. You should find small size there. It is also available on Amazon.
shelley says :

I am looking for a size small , color orange , front boots, all I find is medium. Do they make a size small in this color and who can I order from thanks.
Galega says :

There is absolutely no problem in finding boots of your size. You need to look for the proper size number. Just asking for small size may not work. Further, the color combination will depend on the availability. Orange color may be little bit difficult to find out as it is less in demand and hence manufacturer produces it in less number.
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Sls fluffy front tendon boots bsugars legacy stables for sale
  • Support and help protect your horse's legs with high-quality splint boots and sport boots. Brushing boots provide much-needed protection and comfort to your horse's legs. SMB boots provide impact protection, safeguard the cannon bone, tendons and soft tissue, and help absorb hoof concussion.
  • Bucas Celtic Stable Range. EQuick eLight tendon boots Front. As low as €64.00. EQuick eKur Luxury Fluffy Dressage Protection Boots Front.

Sls Fluffy Front Tendon Boots Bsugars Legacy Stables Free

TENDON / FETLOCK BOOTS Premier Equine tendon and fetlock boots are perfect for showjumping. Innovative and stylish boots for the modern rider. We’ve used a combination of technical materials and carefully combined them to create strong, protective and lightweight boots designed to offer maximum protection from impact forces. I have some from the set I got my tendon boots from, but they are too big for my pony! If I go cross country, I just put on cheap Shires brushing boots. You can get fetlock boots that look like small tendon boots, but you do have to do a lot of searching for them and they often come with a front pair of tendon boots.